We would like to thank everyone who donated, volunteered, cooked, delivered etc. for Good News Mission Holiday Meal this past weekend. Our God is so GREAT!!! With your help we were able to minister/feed over 400 individuals!! How Great is our God??? He is so great that He was able to make such a tremendous feat possible...and in the process bless me and others!! Our God is so good and faithful and I am blessed to be able to be an instrument for His glory!! Thank you again for all who participated and who pray for this special ministry that God has called us to....we are blessed!!!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Tinkel December 2011 Newsletter
3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
Ephesians 1:3
Dear Friends and family,
It is so hard to believe that another year has come and gone….where is the time going? Around our house we have been very busy with family, homeschool, ministry, church etc. God is and has been so good and faithful! He has blessed us with wonderful prayer and financial partners, a wonderful church, great Bible Studies, great friends, awesome family etc.
Our boys have been doing very well. John Allen is a 6’ 1 fifteen year old young man who is starting to ask if we would teach him how to drive!! We are SO not ready for this!! LOL!! On a serious note we are concerned about teaching him to drive and him being blind in one eye. We knew this day was coming…but time has gone by so fast that it is now here and we are a little bit jittery about this new phase in his life and in ours. Please pray with us that God would give us wisdom and discernment in this new season. This month our middle son Joshua turned 11 yrs. old! Again time is flying by way too fast for my liking. It just seems like yesterday I was holding him in my arms and now he is a tall inquisitive young man who loves Jesus. Jacob, our blue eyed boy who thinks he can do anything that his big brothers do, is growing like a weed. Pray for us this month concerning Jacob. Three months ago the eye doctor found a freckle in his eye. Because of our history with eye cancer for the next year we will be going every three months for the doctor to take measurements just to make sure that it is not growing. The doctor doesn’t think anything will come of it but it does bring back memories of another time with John Allen.
Tim and I are staying busy with the Mission. One of my ladies went into preterm labor in November and had to have an emergency C section. Little Chioz Jean weighing in at 3 lbs. 13 oz. is our newest member at Good News Mission. I love this part of ministry…being able to hold the babies and counsel young mothers on good and Godly parenting skills. We have started our Bible Clubs and are averaging about 12-18 children and adults. Here lately God has laid it on my heart that the people need to know the heart of Jesus. We have been learning how to pray for each other and learning how God loves our praise and how He loves to hear from us…and for us to listen to Him. They are learning to recognize His voice and most importantly of all learning Truth!!!
On December 17th from 12:00 – 2:00 PM we will be having our annual Holiday Meal at the Mission. (We call it our Holiday Meal because it is in between Thanksgiving and Christmas.) Last year we were able to feed 250 individuals. The majority of this was take-outs to the shut-ins. This is one of the bigger events of ministry that the Mission does during the year. Pray for the volunteers and for the hearts of the people to whom we will be serving. This is such a wonderful ministering opportunity for my ladies who help deliver and serve. They look so forward every year to being able to be a part of what the Mission is all about…being Jesus’ hands, feet and voice. If you would like to help in some way….PLEASE let me know. We would be so blessed and honored for your help!!!
We would like to thank you so much for all that you do for us!! We don’t tell you enough how blessed and thankful we are for each one of you…we are tremendously blessed!! May God richly bless you over Christmas and in the New Year to come!!!
In His Service,
Sarah & Tim Tinkel
Tim & Sarah Tinkel
829 Hi Tech Drive
Livingston, TN 38570
931-319-3113 (Sarah)
Acct. #0642
tink38570@yahoo.com (Tim)
set1993@gmail.com (Sarah)
BCM Intl.
201 Granite Run Drive, Suite 260
Lancaster, PA, 17601
When sending in a love gift make checks payable to BCM Intl. and on a separate sheet of paper put our name along with our account number.
Ephesians 1:3
Dear Friends and family,
It is so hard to believe that another year has come and gone….where is the time going? Around our house we have been very busy with family, homeschool, ministry, church etc. God is and has been so good and faithful! He has blessed us with wonderful prayer and financial partners, a wonderful church, great Bible Studies, great friends, awesome family etc.
Our boys have been doing very well. John Allen is a 6’ 1 fifteen year old young man who is starting to ask if we would teach him how to drive!! We are SO not ready for this!! LOL!! On a serious note we are concerned about teaching him to drive and him being blind in one eye. We knew this day was coming…but time has gone by so fast that it is now here and we are a little bit jittery about this new phase in his life and in ours. Please pray with us that God would give us wisdom and discernment in this new season. This month our middle son Joshua turned 11 yrs. old! Again time is flying by way too fast for my liking. It just seems like yesterday I was holding him in my arms and now he is a tall inquisitive young man who loves Jesus. Jacob, our blue eyed boy who thinks he can do anything that his big brothers do, is growing like a weed. Pray for us this month concerning Jacob. Three months ago the eye doctor found a freckle in his eye. Because of our history with eye cancer for the next year we will be going every three months for the doctor to take measurements just to make sure that it is not growing. The doctor doesn’t think anything will come of it but it does bring back memories of another time with John Allen.
Tim and I are staying busy with the Mission. One of my ladies went into preterm labor in November and had to have an emergency C section. Little Chioz Jean weighing in at 3 lbs. 13 oz. is our newest member at Good News Mission. I love this part of ministry…being able to hold the babies and counsel young mothers on good and Godly parenting skills. We have started our Bible Clubs and are averaging about 12-18 children and adults. Here lately God has laid it on my heart that the people need to know the heart of Jesus. We have been learning how to pray for each other and learning how God loves our praise and how He loves to hear from us…and for us to listen to Him. They are learning to recognize His voice and most importantly of all learning Truth!!!
On December 17th from 12:00 – 2:00 PM we will be having our annual Holiday Meal at the Mission. (We call it our Holiday Meal because it is in between Thanksgiving and Christmas.) Last year we were able to feed 250 individuals. The majority of this was take-outs to the shut-ins. This is one of the bigger events of ministry that the Mission does during the year. Pray for the volunteers and for the hearts of the people to whom we will be serving. This is such a wonderful ministering opportunity for my ladies who help deliver and serve. They look so forward every year to being able to be a part of what the Mission is all about…being Jesus’ hands, feet and voice. If you would like to help in some way….PLEASE let me know. We would be so blessed and honored for your help!!!
We would like to thank you so much for all that you do for us!! We don’t tell you enough how blessed and thankful we are for each one of you…we are tremendously blessed!! May God richly bless you over Christmas and in the New Year to come!!!
In His Service,
Sarah & Tim Tinkel
Tim & Sarah Tinkel
829 Hi Tech Drive
Livingston, TN 38570
931-319-3113 (Sarah)
Acct. #0642
tink38570@yahoo.com (Tim)
set1993@gmail.com (Sarah)
BCM Intl.
201 Granite Run Drive, Suite 260
Lancaster, PA, 17601
When sending in a love gift make checks payable to BCM Intl. and on a separate sheet of paper put our name along with our account number.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Good News Mission
C/O Tim & Sarah Tinkel
829 Hi Tech Drive
Livingston, TN 38570
931-319-3113 (Sarah)
931-319-2551 (Tim)
931-823-9320 (office)
To whom it may concern,
Good News Mission in Livingston, TN will be having their annual Holiday Meal on December 17, 2011 from 12:00 – 2:00 PM. Last year, with the help of local businesses and churches, we were able to feed 250 individuals throughout Overton County. We are asking for help again this year in order to feed even more. Would your church or organization be willing to be a part of feeding the local hungry? We have found over the years that this outreach is the only “good” meal that some of the locals will have for either Thanksgiving or Christmas. Please, any help would be greatly appreciated whether big or small. Listed below is the menu along with items we use for “goodie bags” to pass out to the children who attend. If you are able to help with any of the below it would be a tremendous blessing.
Sincere Thanks,
Tim & Sarah Tinkel Directors
Menu: (We need enough to feed 350+)
Turkey (20 @ 20+ lbs.)Dressing
Green beans
Mashed potatoes
Desserts .
Canned drinks (300)
Take out containers (300)
Take out dessert containers (300)
Tray like Styrofoam plates (500)
"Goody Bag" Items:
Candy Canes
Party favor items: EX: pencils, bouncy balls etc.
If you are able to help out with any of the above items let me know as soon as possible so that I can mark that off the list. Thanks!!!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Tinkel 2011 summer ministry newsletter
When we walk with the Lord in the light of His word what a glory He sheds on our way...when we do His good will He abides with us still and with all who will trust and obey...trust and obey for theres no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.
What a summer it has been. In June we started our day camps at the Mission. I prayed for 40 children and adults and we averaged about 32!! God did amazing things this summer! He brought back families who had not been here in a while and one of John Allen's friends accepted Christ as his Savior. Please pray for him as he is struggling right now with things that are going on at home...Satan is already attacking. This year we had some teen aged volunteers who got to experience what ministry is like here at the Mission. They were such blessings and were such a great help. My ladies loved them and were impressed by the patience and love they had for the children...especially the very young ones. My prayer for these young teen aged volunteers is that God would bless them in their future endeavors in serving Him. They had such sweet hearts. You don't see to many young teenagers giving up their summer to volunteer their time being in charge of games, listening and teaching verses to at times, very rambunctious children. They were such a light of Jesus to children who are hurting and just needing someone to take the time to love them. The Bible lessons that Tim taught this summer were from our Mission BCM's (Bible Centered Ministries) God Gives us Victory. It talks about the Giants that we face as children of God such as Fear, Unbelief, Disobedience, Discouragement, Revenge, Pride, My Own Way, Self, Selfishness just to name a few. The kids soaked it up!! One Sunday Tim did a review and had the kids tell the adults about the different giants that they had studied about over the summer. With little prompting they were able to quote the corresponding verse that went with each story/giant!! I was very impressed as were the adults. When it came to singing songs there were two that the kids really loved. They were Faith is Just Believing and Trust and obey. I cried while the kids were singing...to hear their sweet voices raised to God and knowing what they are going home to blessed me so much. Its funny because I was wondering "God are they getting it." Is the getting up early in the morning, buying stuff out of our own pocket and not sure if we will get reimbursed because of lack of donations coming in, is it really worth it? God showed me in a very humbling way that yes this is where I need you to be....stay faithful and keep your eyes on the prize. It has been a very good summer of blessings and growth. On July 22nd our oldest turned 15!! Where did the time go?? Just yesterday he was a baby in my arms and now he is growing into a very neat young man. He has been such a sweet blessing to me and his dad. The love that he has for his brothers and the concern that he is getting for his friends and others to know Jesus is so precious to me. When John Allen was born Tim and I prayed over him...that God would use him for His glory and that he would become a mighty man of faith. My prayer for all of our boys is that God would use each of them for His glory and that God would give Tim and I the wisdom and discernment to raise them to love, obey, serve and worship God with all their heart soul and mind. There have been a lot of bumps along the way but to see the fruit when you least expect it has been precious.
Please pray for:
1. Our support
2. That God would give Tim and I discernment for our children and for Good News Mission
3. The people we minister to
4. Good News Mission
5. Our extended family
1. Salvation of John Allen's friend
2. A good summer of ministry
3. The volunteers we had this summer who were such blessings
4. Unexpected donations of items and financial
5. His provision in all areas of our family and ministry
Thank you so much for your support and for being our Mission partners. The prayer and financial support have blessed us to no end and we praise God for your faithfulness. The fruit that we are seeing is a testament of God's blessing over this ministry. May God richly bless you in your endeavors of furthering the kingdom.
Hearts greatly blessed,
Sarah & Tim Tinkel
Sarah & Tim Tinkel
829 Hi Tech Drive
Livingston, TN 38570
set1993@gmail.com (Sarah)
tink38570@yahoo.com (Tim)
BCM International
201 Granite Run Drive Suite 260
Lancaster, PA 17601
Account #0642
When making a donation make checks payable to bcm intl. On a seperate sheet of paper put our name and account number and amount.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
set apart or reserved for a specific use or purpose.
Over the last few weeks I have come to understand the meaning of dedicated in a whole different way. I have seen a young woman who stood strongly by her husband when he was diagnosed with cancer the week before Christmas and loved and helped him when hospice was called in a few weeks ago. I have seen her give him strong medicines when the pain got so bad that he could hardly stand it. I have seen this woman continue being a great mom to her 1 and 2 1/2 year old little boys and reassuring them that daddy loved them and that soon daddy would be going away. I have seen this woman be strong in front of her husband when the news wasn't good just so that he would continue to fight the cancer that was slowly day by day taking his life. This same woman has a mother who also is a woman among women. What mother in law would put her life on hold to help her daughter and son in law by moving in with them to help with his care and help take care of the grand children. I have seen this mother humble herself to take her son in law to the bathroom and help clean him when he needed it. This same mom made sure that her son in law knew that his boys loved him and she made sure that the grand kids kissed and hugged daddy everyday. Even when it came to the end she was there to tell him that everything would be OK that his wife and kids would be taken care of and that it was OK to go on to be with Jesus. Over the last few weeks I have kind of put my family on the back burner in order to be there for this family to minister to them and help in anyway that I could in order to alleviate some of the day to day burdens. In the end I was blessed beyond measure at the dedication of these two special women that God in His infinite wisdom has placed in my life, in my little flock that He has given to me. I have seen lived out in front of me DEDICATION....what a precious definition my two ladies have given this word. On Saturday these two women along with other family and friends will say good bye to their loved one. I ask that you please pray for them that God would continue to show himself in big and small ways and that His presence would be felt in the days, weeks and months to come.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
This last week has been such a sad time for our little community in Livingston. On Wednesday evening we received word that 5 youth from a local church youth group had been involved in a terrible accident. In a blink of an eye 5 families lives have changed forever. Over the years we have had each of these youth in some part of our ministries...VBS, RAs, camp, church activities etc. Two of the youth didn't make it. As I was praying for the survivors and all the families involved I was thinking about their relationship with the Lord and the possible impact that Tim and I may have had on them and their families. Did Tim and I reflect Jesus and were we Jesus TO them? Two separate thoughts.....one you live out and the other involves personal interaction. As I attended the viewing of the young man they had pictures of his life from birth to the present on a big screen. He was 18 years old and I was thinking 18 years is such a short time and not enough pictures to show the pride and love that was so evident. His parents are such sweet precious people and such testimonies of Jesus and His love. My heart breaks as next week I will be going to another viewing of a young beautiful lady whose life was cut short. This tragedy has been a wake up call as to ministering opportunities that could easily be missed if we are not in tune with the Holy Spirit's leading. Some of the family members of these youth are not believers....I am asking that you please be in prayer for these families that God would bring beauty from the ashes and that He would do a great and mighty work in each family member's life. That He would bring about physical and emotional healing of those who survived. Our God is a great, loving and mighty God and He WILL do this.
Monday, February 28, 2011
February/March 2011 Tinkel Newsletter
‘Well done, good and faithful servant!
Matthew 25:21a
Greetings in Jesus,
Tim and I just want to praise God for each of you. You have been such a sweet blessing to our family and we don’t thank you enough for all the prayers, encouragement, support etc. that you show to us. In my Bible Study I have been studying Acts and Paul’s missionary Journeys. All throughout the scriptures the churches love on Paul; they pray for, encourage and support him in his missionary endeavors. Paul is so thankful and touched by the churches in their love for him and their desire to be a part of his ministry. We are touched and honored to be blessed by the love you show us and for your desire to be a part of our ministry. May God bless you in your giving, in your love, prayers and encouragement. We are blessed!!!
The month of February has been a month of praise, LOVE and goodbye. On Valentine’s Day Tim’s mother went to be with the Lord. Even though you know the end is coming you are still not ready when it does come. Our kids took it so well. We have been praying for Mom Mom, as the kids called her, over the last few months. When we told John Allen, his response was “Mom Mom is telling Pop Pop it is her turn to hold Peter now.” (Peter was our stillborn son) and Joshua’s response was “Mom she is holding Peter and she is with Pop Pop, Jesus, Abraham Lincoln and Benjamin Franklin.” LOL…Can you tell what he has been studying in homeschool? Tim has been having a hard time. It has hit us that the only parental unit we have left is my mother. Tim’s mother was cremated and we will have a grave side service sometime this summer when the ground in Indiana is not frozen. We were going to get away for a little while until I got a call from my mother saying that the doctor was putting her in the hospital due to heart problems. We are here in Oak Ridge, TN helping my mother and grandmother. We thought that Mom was going to have a pacemaker put in but the doctor has opted to try a drug regiment first. She has been in here almost a week and we are still sitting here. God is in control and we praise Him for good doctors and such caring nurses. I also praise God for such a Godly mother in law who was such a blessing to me. The love she had for her husband, children, grandchildren but most importantly the love she had for Jesus have been such a testimony to so many. Even when dementia set in she could still quote scripture. When she didn’t remember her children she knew Jesus and talked to him daily. When she passed away hymns were being played by her bedside. What a way to go Home with hymns of praise to escort you. I have been so blessed by this special woman and she will be missed.
Please pray for Tim as he adjust to a different phase in life one without his parents. Pray for mother that the doctors will get mom back on the road to recovery. Pray for our kids, our ministries and especially our support. God is so good and faithful. Thank you once again for your faithfulness but especially for your love. It has meant so much to us and you are greatly appreciated. In the next couple of weeks I will be sending out a more informative newsletter about our ministries and what God is doing. We love you and pray God’s blessings over you.
In His Hands,
Sarah & Tim
Sarah & Tim Tinkel BCM International
829 Hi Tech Drive 201 Granite Run Dr. Suite 260
Livingston, TN 38570 Lancaster, PA 17601
931-823-9320 1-888-226-4685
Account #0642 bcmintl.org
Set1993@gmail.com (Sarah)
Tink38570@yahoo.com (Tim)
Please make checks payable to BCM Intl. do not put our name on the memo line. On a separate sheet of paper put our names and account number.
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